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Katy, Texas Must Knows for County Vs. City Residents


September 2, 2024

By Natalie Cook Clark

Katy has come a long way since it was founded on rice farming in the early 1800’s. The city was officially incorporated in 1945 and is a tri-county city. This means that there is a lot to the Katy area that can often cause confusion, especially for newcomers.

Photo of Spring Lake by Srini Sundarrajan

Katy, Texas Fun Facts

How did Katy get its name?

Some historians say that Katy could be named after a popular saloon keeper in the early 1900's named Katy Mares? Others believe Katy was named after the MKT railroad. Nobody seems to know for sure.

What's with the rice?

Historically, Katy was a rice farming community, which is why you will see old rice dryers as you pass through town and why the community celebrates the Rice Harvest Festival every year. There aren't any rice farmers left but that's our legacy. Katy families can now enjoy sitting out by the famous Cardiff Rice Dryers at the new Katy Beer Garden.

Has Katy always had high education standards?

Yes. Many of Katy’s early settlers set a precedent for high education standards. The first school was located at Avenue D and 6th Street, and the first school teacher was Edna James. Katy ISD was organized in 1918 and is now a nationally-recognized school district.

Are there really alligators and snakes?

Um. Yes, There 'may' be an alligator near bayous or even on golf courses. You just might get an occasional snake visiting your pool. Be mindful that we have some fierce critters in these parts. And don't forget the wild hogs, coyotes, and other critters. Authorities always advise residents to keep a safe distance and leave local wildlife alone.

Where do hometown people hang out? Long-time Katyites can be found shooting the breeze at Snappy’s Café, No Label Brewery, Midway Barbeque, or the VFW Hall.

Why is football such a big deal? The Katy Tigers have won nine state championships, so football is a huge part of our community. People in Katy start their kids in football and cheerleading not long after they can walk. And we are now in the heart of football season!


With Katy being a tri-county area (Harris, Fort Bend, and Waller) there should be no surprise that there are many police agencies that serve the area. This fact that often confuses newcomers and seasoned Katyites alike. 

Multiple Counties, Multiple Agencies

Because of Katy's multiple counties versus city issue, the police department that protects your area may not be the closest one to you. Don’t worry though, while it’s smart to know who serves your area experts say that you can always get help.

Good News is 911 Knows What Agency to Alert

“When someone calls 911 that call get routed to the agency that covers the area,” says Robert Henslee with Harris County Constable Ted Heap’s Office. “However, in a true life-threatening emergency calls are routed differently so that the nearest officer, no matter the agency, will respond.”

These local police agencies all support each other when the situation requires it. Any local police agency can pull you over whether it is technically their jurisdiction or not.


What Katy-Area Police Agency Covers You?


Coverage area: Responds to calls for incidents in the City limits of Katy

Do you live in the City of Katy limits? The city is three counties and not easy to explain without looking at a map. On the visitor tab at the top you can enter your address to see if your home is in the actual City of Katy.

The Katy Police Department is made up of patrol officers, traffic enforcement division, motorcycle division, and K9 unit.

They offer numerous programs for residents, that include:

  • Vacation house watch program

  • Project Lifesaver

  • Project Guardian

  • Crisis Intervention Team

  • Coffee with a Cop



Coverage Area: 290 down to 59 within Harris County west of 610.

Harris County Constable’s Office is one of the largest precincts in the country with around 1.2 million people.

“We cover everything in precinct 5 as a general rule but neighborhoods can subsidize extra coverage,” says Robert Henslee.

Harris County Constable’s Office Precinct 5 is under the direction of Constable Ted Heap, who is responsible for creating or advancing many of their programs.

One of the most popular programs is the Citizens Police Academy, that provides a more hands on experience to understanding the role of law enforcement. Participants event get to drive a police car through a cone obstacle course and learn gun safety at a gun range night.

Silver Watch is another popular program where senior citizens, who may live alone, can sign up to be checked on. This often gives loved ones comfort knowing that deputies are looking after their elderly relatives.

The Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce was created by Constable Ted Heap along with other partners. This taskforce serves all of Harris County and not just those areas in Precinct 5. Report animal cruelty and learn more online.



Coverage Area: The HCSO is responsible for all law enforcement in unincorporated Harris County, including the areas east and north of the city of Katy. This is known as West District or District IV.

“West District deputies routinely respond to incidents and coordinate investigations with the Katy Police Department,” says Senior Deputy Thomas M Gilliland. “Both agencies routinely work together proactively and reactively to protect citizens in the Katy due to the bordering jurisdiction of each agency.”

Harris County Sheriff’s Office is under the direction of Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez and the department has around 5,000 employees dedicated to keeping citizens safe.

Their duties include: maintaining the county jail, bailiffs for court security, deputies in five patrol districts, criminal investigators to investigate all crimes in unincorporated Harris County regardless of reporting agency, an air wing with helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, a marine division and dive team, K-9 Dog Teams, Bomb Squad, SWAT, Livestock Division (cattle, horse, and other livestock crimes) a Special Response Group for large demonstrations, and a mounted posse.

“The Neighborhood Policing Division was created to respond and assist with quality of life issues including crime prevention, mental health crisis, assist the homeless, nuisance abatement (safety issues due to lack of home maintenance), and monitor group homes,” says Senior Deputy Gilliland.


Precinct 1


Coverage Area: Covers around 300 square miles that includes many Katy ISD campus and large Katy master-planned communities like Cinco Ranch.

Fort Bend County Constable’s Office employees 63 sworn Deputies. Their primary duties are to serve the civil process produced by the courts, serve warrants and provide Bailiffs for the two Justice of the Peace courts in our area.

They also provide patrol services through supplemental patrol agreements with several communities and Commissioner Vincent Morales’ office to cover the County Assistance Districts.

“Our deputies responded to almost 40,000 calls for service in 2022,” says Constable Chad Norvell. “We also work closely with the Katy ISD and Lamar CISD police departments to ensure schools in our area are protected.”



Coverage Area: Unincorporated Fort Bend County, including Katy ISD and Fulshear

The Sheriff’s Office was founded in 1837 and is one of the largest and most diverse law enforcement agencies within Fort Bend County and Texas. The FBCSO covers 885 square miles and includes 21 unincorporated communities.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office is under the direction of Fort Bend County Sheriff Eric Fagan.

Within the next few years, Fort Bend County is projected to reach a population of over one million people. As the county continues to grow, so does the responsibility for public safety.

For service by the Fulshear Annex, please call 346-481-6400.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office offers numerous community programs including:

  • Alarm Regulations

  • You Are Not Alone (YANA)

  • Project Lifesaver

  • Car Seat Safety Inspection

  • Crime Prevention

  • Vacation/House Watch

  • Take Me Home

Learn more about these programs and more online.



Coverage Area: 180 square miles that includes 90 plus Katy ISD campuses and facilities.

“The Katy ISD Police Department is a full-service police agency that operates 24/7 and has been protecting the Katy ISD community for over 35 years,” says Katy ISD Police Chief Henry Gaw.

Katy ISD police officers serve multiple roles in protecting Katy schools, students, and staff.

“In addition to providing police services with campus and patrol officers, the Katy ISD Police Department also has officers assigned to our Mental Health Intervention Unit and a Criminal Investigations Division with detectives who are affiliated with ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force) and the Multi-Agency Gang Task Force,” says Chief Gaw

The Katy ISD Police Department is recognized as a leader in campus public safety practices, while supporting many diverse and dynamic campus’ pursuit of academic goals in an environment free of crime and the fear of crime. They demonstrate resolve to meet everyday challenges of customer service.

“Our Office of Emergency Management is charged with developing, implementing, and promoting the District’s comprehensive safety program which includes developing and maintaining a multi-hazards emergency operations plan, maintaining workplace and classroom safety programs, and oversight of the District's safety audits,” adds Chief Gaw.

They partner with the community each year for their annual Santa Cops program, which has been serving area children for over 20 years. The program assisted over 1200 children and 600 families last Christmas. The department also runs the popular Teddy Cop program and has supplied thousands of teddy bears to special needs students.

Just a small fraction of last year's Santa Cops haul! Photo credit: Natalie Cook Clark



Coverage Area: 14 square miles in the Katy area including Cross Creek Ranch and Katy ISD schools in that area.

While Fulshear Police Department doesn’t cover much of the Katy area, they do offer a very popular program, Rookie Responder, a safe driving course free to all Katy area students. Some Katy ISD high schools have brought the program into their schools.

Fulshear Police Captain Mike McCoy started Rookie Responder six years ago when he saw a need for it. While the class has been offered at some Katy ISD high schools, it is offered free on Wednesdays or for anyone who reaches out.

Learn more about this program here.


Waller County and the City of Katy

As mentioned, Katy has three counties. While Harris and Fort Bend counties make up the majority of the area, Waller County is the third county.

One of the major Katy master-planned communities is Cane Island. Since Cane Island is in the City of Katy limits, Katy Police Department has jurisdiction. Waller County Sheriff's Office does serve the unincorporated area of Waller County, which starts to get out of the Katy area. However, as Katy continues to grow more communities will go into the Waller area.

Waller County Sheriff's Office- 979-826-8282

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