June 27, 2023
By Natalie Cook Clark
For many nightly celebrations for the Fourth of July have started. Fireworks are strictly forbidden in the City of Katy, but most of the Katy area is unincorporated and they are allowed. As the area grows, it's a great time for seasoned Katyites and newcomers to understand the do's and don'ts of fireworks.

Newcomers (and Residents) Need to Know the Laws
The City of Katy strictly forbids the use of fireworks, but this law only applies to addresses within Katy proper (the City of Katy). To find out if you live in Katy proper, check this link https://www.cityofkaty.com/residents/am-i-a-resident
As more newcomers continue to move into Katy, understanding the law and how to stay safe is important. A refresher on where you can and can't ignite fireworks is always good for anyone living in and around Katy.
Katy is part of Harris, Fort Bend, and Waller counties with neighborhoods spanning more than one, as well as being located in the City of Katy proper and unincorporated areas. This leaves a lot of Katy open to shooting off fireworks to celebrate Independence Day.
Fireworks are Legal in Most of Katy Area
“People should be aware that most of this area is unincorporated and fireworks are legal,” says Fort Bend Constable Chad Norvell Precinct 1. “Deputies cannot instruct your neighbor not to discharge them as it is a legal activity.”
Fireworks Safety Tips
“It’s important to be cautious when using fireworks,” Jason Tharp, Battalion Chief of Community risk Reduction and PIO HCESD48. “One of the biggest mistakes we see if fireworks being disposed of in the trash after use. The remaining waste from fireworks may appear to be harmless, but it may still pose a fire risk.”
Each year Katy-area firefighters responds to something as little as a contained trash fire to a full residential fire due to improperly discarding fireworks. Tharp encourages people to soak firework debris before discarding it.
“We may have had a few heavy downpours, but the ground is still very dry,” says Tharp. “We encourage you to be fire vigilant and have a water hose or extinguisher nearby.”
Open Area and Distance - Make sure you are in an open area. You can be in your street but make sure you are not setting off fireworks up against a house. Fireworks cannot be set off within 600 feet of a school (even if it's not in session,) church, hospital or gas station. Do NOT set off fireworks indoors.
Read Instructions- Yes, this may sound simple, but it is one of the most important safety tips.
If you have questions don't be afraid to ask when buying the fireworks. Most of the employees at the fireworks stands will know all about what they are selling.
Not for Children - Fireworks are pretty and festive when celebrating our nation's birthday, but they do come with risk. Lighting fireworks should be left to adults. Kids can enjoy and watch but safety should always come first. Older can learn to light fireworks but always with supervision.
Alcohol and Fireworks Don't Mix - Be responsible and let those adults not drinking light the fireworks. Just like with the dangers of driving drunk, alcohol will slow your reaction time, which could result in injuring yourself or others when lighting fireworks.
Water to the Rescue - When setting off fireworks, ALWAYS have a water source nearby, then soak all fireworks debris before throwing them out. A fire can start up to 12 hours after your believe it is out.
Be a Good Neighbor
While fireworks are a fun and legal activity, residents should still be good neighbors. HOA’s can make suggestions on days and times when residents can set off fireworks, but these rules cannot be enforced.
Here are some commonsense practices that will keep you in good graces with your neighbors.
Timing: Only light fireworks up to 2 hours after sunset, so end the show before midnight. Anything later is a disruption to those neighbors trying to sleep.
Prepare: Let your neighbors know if you plan to shoot off fireworks so they can prepare children and pets for the noise.
Be Tidy: Clean up ALL fireworks debris, including trash that fell in neighbors' yards.
Night Only: Do not light fireworks in the day. They don't show up so it's a waste of your money and neighbors could be alarmed by the loud, unexpected (explosive) noise.
Respect the Date: While fireworks are fun to watch, remember they commemorate a historical date for our country. Setting off fireworks between July 3-5 is acceptable to honor the holiday.
Protect Your Pets
While your neighbors will appreciate you for following the above, keep in mind that there is a large population of the Katy area that will always hate fireworks- PETS.
Do not bring your pet(s) to a fireworks show.
Bring outside pets inside and preferably to an interior room.
Make sure that your pets have current tags on their collar as well as microchipping just in case they get out.
Local Events and Firework Shows
You don't have to plan a show in your street. There are plenty great Fourth of July shows happening in Katy complete with a professional firework show.
Near Katy Mills/Typhoon Texas
9:00 p.m.
The City of Katy is partnering with Typhoon Texas’s “Red White & Boom” event for the annual Katy Freedom Celebration. Residents can view the annual fireworks show from within the waterpark (see website for event details) or from the parking lot at Katy Mills Mall.
Gateway Church (25024 Katy Mills Dr.) will have family activities starting at 6:00 p.m. and a perfect view of the fireworks.
The city asks that when parking for the firework display please do not move street closure barricades and do not park on roadway shoulders or street medians.
Typhoon Texas
555 Katy Fort Bend Road
July 4, 2023
11:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Enjoy an event full of entertainment, activities, and fun. Don't miss the fireworks at 9:00 p.m. Buy tickets online.
25440 Beckendorff Rd.
July 4, 2023
4:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Wear your swimsuit and be ready to get wet at Smith Ranch’s water area. They will have will be pony rides, concession stand with turkey legs, sausage on a stick and all other kinds of goodies. A bar with beer, margaritas, wine and more will also be available. The evening will conclude with a big firework show.
Admission is required.
$15 per person
2 years and under are free
Katy VFW Fourth of July Celebration
6206 George Bush Drive
July 4, 2023
10:00 a.m.
The annual VFW Post 9182 & Auxiliary will be held Monday, July 4 starting at 10:00 a.m. Events include the posting of Colors by combined Katy VFW Post 9182 and American Legion Post 164 Honor Guard.
Live auction preview at 10:00 a.m., live auction starts at 12:15 p.m. Silent auction starts at 10:00 am
Opening program at 11:15am
Lunch begins at 11:45 am
Enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans, chips, cookies, coffee, tea, soda & water.
Jordan High School
27500 Fulshear Bend Drive
6:00 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.
Enjoy food trucks, vendor booths, activities for kids, live entertainment, and of course a firework show!
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