Seven Lakes Junior High teacher Vincent Loh impacts students through the power of presence both in and out of the classroom.
By Kennan Buckner | KATY MAGAZINE, September 2017 Photography by Melinda Feild

Seven Lakes Junior High (SLJH) world cultures teacher Vincent Loh is a favorite among students, but he’s quick to deflect attention. “I just want students to know that there are teachers who are there to encourage and support them,” he says. Loh was also last year’s seventh-grade boys’ C team basketball coach which went undefeated and won the division’s district championship.
This year, Loh was named Teacher of Honor by teen leadership students during their Dude Be Nice Project, a distinction that surprised him during a campus-wide assembly.
A Servant’s Heart
Principal Imelda Medrano says Loh models Spartan pride with a servant’s heart. And if he’s not volunteering, Loh is attending events to support the students he loves. Choir Director Kristin Likos says, “Mr. Loh has been to every choir concert since he started teaching at SLJH.

Parent Karen Rawls shares, “My daughter Taylor was very apprehensive during her first orchestra recital, and Mr. Loh was waiting right there as she exited the stage to congratulate her on rocking the performance.”
Eighth-grader Alyssa Sunew took Loh’s class in sixth grade. She says, “He’s always popping up at the most unexpected times and places. That’s why the SLJH community loves him so much."
Like Family
Loh’s laid back, fun attitude in the classroom is balanced by a drive for hard work. He knows his job is an important one. “I want to leave a lasting impact on my students and in the community,” he says.
Parent Cathy Maez says, “He is like a big brother to the kids in his class. He instills confidence in his students.” Her son, eighth-grader Noah Maez affirms, “He taught me to believe in myself and thatit is okay to ask for help.”
Parent Emily Sunew knows her daughter Alyssa’s transition into junior high was made easier because of Loh’s constant encouragement. “He has such an amazing connection with students and is quick to build relationships and trust,” she shares.
Students know they can come to him no matter what. “I call Mr. Loh my brother. I talk to him when I fail my math test or when there is drama; he always finds the time to listen and give me good advice,” seventh-grader Taylor Rawls professes.

“Mr. Loh has earned the trust and respect of our student body and faculty by living the Spartan Creed. He builds community by serving others.” - Imelda Medrano, SLJH Principal
“He takes a personal interest in seeing the kids succeed.” - Cathy Maez, SLJH parent
“Mr. Loh is a great teacher and has killer shoe game. We love Mr. Loh, and I will always keep in touch with him.” - Taylor Rawls, SLJH 7th grade student
“What I love about Mr. Loh is that he always gives a warm smile when you walk into his classroom.” - Alyssa Sunew, SLJH 8th grade student
“Mr. Loh is one of my favorite teachers, and I will never forget him. He is someone I can always go to.” - Noah Maez, SLJH 8th grade student
“At the end of the day, Mr. Loh has taught me about the importance of making connections with students and the impact it can have on them.” - Deliesha Hassell, 8th grade U.S. history teacher & girls’ volleyball and basketball coach
“I am so thankful to have Mr. Loh as a colleague. He is always willing to help, and his involvement at student events encourages them in all their endeavors.” - Kristin Likos, SLJH choir director
“Mr. Loh is an example of what you aspire your child to be - a caring, smart, stern, and hip person who can so easily relate to parents, students, and just about anyone.” - Karen Rawls, SLJH parent
KENNAN BUCKNER is a wife, mom, and freelance writer who spent many childhood hours searching for Waldo.
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