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Newly Released Katy ISD Videos Demonstrate Bus and Classroom Safety Protocols


August 1, 2020

By Jennifer Miko

Katy ISD families can now watch newly released videos from the District demonstrating bus and classroom safety protocols to be implemented to keep students and staff safe during the pandemic.

In the School Safety Demonstration Videos produced by Katy ISD, students demonstrate the enhanced safety protocols that will be in place for the 2020-21 school year.  The videos provide another resource to help Katy ISD parents choose whether their children will attend school face-to-face, or via Katy Virtual Academy (KVA).

Instruction for all Katy ISD students begins virtually on August 19, and lasts for three weeks. Parents opting for their children to continue online classes through the KVA need to complete a commitment form by Wednesday, August 5. Students planning to attend in-person instruction, beginning on September 8, do not need to fill out this form.

Four videos are currently available on the District’s website – elementary and secondary classroom safety protocols, and elementary and secondary school bus safety protocols.

In the videos, students visit hand sanitizing stations upon entering the classroom and take a disinfectant wipe to clean off their individual desk. On Facebook, a concerned parent asked about the repeated use of the wipes and their potential negative effects.

Katy ISD responded, “Disinfectant wipes used in Katy ISD classrooms are FDA approved for safe skin and surface contact, and offer extra skin protection with aloe vera included as an ingredient.”

In the bus safety protocol videos, masked students use hand sanitizers at the bus entrance before taking their assigned seats. The bus windows are open, and no more than two students may share a seat. Students use the hand sanitizer again when exiting the bus.

After each use, the seats, aisles and walls of the bus are disinfected by a Katy ISD custodial staff member.

Videos that are “coming soon” include elementary and secondary cafeteria safety protocols, and an overview of cleaning products.

District to Share Weekly Updates

In an email to Katy ISD parents yesterday, Superintendent Dr. Ken Gregorski acknowledged the overlapping and conflicting messages provided by state and local officials about the upcoming school year. He reiterated, that at this time, the District still plans to open for in-person instruction on September 8.

Dr. Gregorski said parents and staff will receive a weekly update, every Friday, “providing information and guidance that is known that week.”

Katy ISD’s website also contains valuable information and links for parents to review, including the District's "Smart Restart" program.

“I appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to work through these issues, and implement plans that will best serve our Katy ISD students, employees and school community,” wrote Dr. Gregorski.

For more information about Katy ISD’s safety practices, visit their website here.

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