June 25, 2024
By Natalie Cook Clark
Katy families potentially impacted by the Attendance Boundary Modification (ABM) for two new Katy ISD elementary schools will be notified this month. For some students this will be the second time they have been rezoned. Neighborhoods impacted include Elyson, Cane Island, Sunterra, Katy Lakes and more.

Two new Katy ISD elementary schools are set to open August 2025 for the 2025-2026 academic year. Parents of students potentially impacted by the attendance zoning to these schools should have received an email requesting feedback through a survey. The survey will be open through October 11, 2024. Then a presentation and discussion will take place a a school board meeting before the boundary modification is finalized.
Last year, Katy ISD opened Youngblood Elementary and Faldyn Elementary, both in the northwestern quadrant of the District. The Katy community continues to grow north as communities (and Katy ISD schools) continue to attract residents to the area. This Augusts, the District will open Nelson Junior High School and Freeman High School
Elementary #47 (7402 Katy Hockley Cut Off Rd.) will provide relief for Youngblood Elementary School that opened last school year. By 2025, Youngblood is projected to be overutilized by 48%. That percentage doubles the following year.
Elementary #48 (900 Sunterra Shores Drive) will be a welcome to residents in the fast-growing Sunterra community. This school will help relieve crowding at Faldyn Elementary, which opened this year, and Robertson Elementary, which is in Cane Island.

Both Youngblood and Faldyn opened over capacity according to District charts. By 2025 Faldyn will be 129% utilized and Robertson will be 169%.
As stated on their website, Katy ISD annually reviews its attendance boundaries to ensure the district is adequately addressing fast growth, as well as student and staff capacity on campuses.
Some communities, such as Elyson, will be familiar with an Attendance Boundary Modification. Most students at Youngblood Elementary were rezoned from McElwain Elementary and now many families are now facing the same survey indicating a move to another new elementary school.
For more information on this ABM visit Katy ISD.