June 18, 2019
By Jennifer Miko
The Katy ISD Board of Trustees held a Work Study meeting last night, Monday, June 17. They were presented with attendance boundary modification (ABM) options for the district's newest elementary and high schools. The schools that would be primarily impacted by this modification would be Seven Lakes High School, Katy High School, and Tompkins High School and Bethke Elementary.

ABOVE: The current 2019-20 attendance zones for Katy High School, Tompkins High School, Seven Lakes High School, and neighboring campuses.
At the Work Study meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees listened to ABM options for Elementary #43 and High School #9. The new schools, being built out of the 2017 voter-approved bond program, are set to open in the fall of 2020. Elementary #43 is located in the northwest quadrant of Katy ISD, and High School #9 is in the southwest quadrant.
During the Work Study meeting, Chief Operations Officer Lee Crews, along with Population and Survey Analysts (PASA), presented the Trustees with a preliminary ABM option for each of the schools.
The proposed changes will mean the following:
The overcrowding at Seven Lakes and Tompkins high schools will be relieved by the opening of High School #9, located at 27500 Fulshear Bend Drive, Fulshear.
Students in 11th and 12th grades in the 2020-21 school year who are rezoned to High School #9 will remain at their existing campus through graduation. Only 9th and 10th graders will be rezoned to High School #9.

ABOVE: The proposed Attendance Boundary Modification for High School #9
Some students from Katy High School may be rezoned to Cinco Ranch, Taylor, or Tompkins High School to relieve overcrowding. Students enrolled in 10th, 11th and 12th grade during the 2020-21 school year will be allowed to remain at their existing campuses, according to the district website. Ninth graders will be rezoned.
The overcrowding at Bethke Elementary will be relieved by Elementary School #43, located at 6631 Greenwood Orchard Drive, Katy. Students at Elementary School #43 would attend either Katy Junior High or Stockdick Junior High.
Responding to Growing District Katy ISD covers 181 square miles. With almost 80,000 students in more than 60 schools, many Katy families have been affected by rezoning before.
ABMs help manage growth in the district and balance student enrollment at each school. The Katy ISD website posted demographers' projections that Katy ISD will reach a student enrollment of 100K in the next 8-10 years. They forcasted the majority of the district's growth and development would occur in the furthest southwest quadrant and the furthest northwest quadrant of the district, where the two new schools are planned.
Family Feedback Requested
“Input from families who could potentially be affected is highly valued during this process. For this reason, we are asking parents and stakeholders to provide survey feedback, beginning the week of June 18 through September,” said Chief Operations Officer Lee Crews.
“It is anticipated that a decision on the Attendance Boundary Modification for each of these schools will be made in October,” added Crews.
Receiving the survey does not necessarily mean a child in that household will be affected by the ABM. For more information and FAQs, click on the Katy ISD ABM webpage.