Katy ISD is one of 447 school districts in the United States and Canada being honored by College Board with placement on the 8th Annual AP® District Honor Roll for increasing access to Advanced Placement (AP) course work.
From 2015 to 2017, the number of AP exams administered in Katy ISD increased by 23 percent. The number of students participating in AP exams increased 26 percent to 9,478 in 2017 and the number of students receiving a 3 or higher increased by 24.6% in those two years.
To be included on the AP District Honor Roll, participating districts must:
Increase participation/access to AP course work by at least 4 percent in large districts, at least 6 percent in medium districts and at least 11 percent in small districts.
Increase or maintain the percentage of exams taken by Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students who scored a 3 or higher on at least one AP exam.
Improve or maintain performance levels when comparing the percentage of students in 2017 scoring a 3 or higher to those in 2015, unless the district has already attained a performance level at which more than 70 percent of its AP students are scoring a 3 or higher.
For more information on the AP District Honor Roll, visit the College Board website.