September 6, 2018
By Jennifer Lynn
Katy ISD announced a new survey that will be emailed out next week and open until September 25. The survey's focus is input as to what Katy ISD is doing that works and what can be improved upon.

Parent and guardian involvement on Katy ISD campuses is a crucial aspect to the success of the district's nearly 80,000 students. For that reason, they are asking for your input as Katy ISD continues to improve upon the parent and community engagement opportunities across the district's 64 campuses.
During the week of September 10, parents and guardians will receive a survey via their personal email account on file with the district. It will only take about 10 minutes to complete and will request feedback regarding engagement opportunities on your child's specific campus that are working well, those that could be improved, as well as your thoughts on future school planning and support initiatives. Katy ISD's efforts are focused on identifying new and enhanced ways to involve a greater number of parents and community in shaping the educational experience of our students while at Katy ISD.
The survey will be open until September 25. Keep an eye out for it next week.
We look forward to your participation!
Katy ISD