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Katy Families to Honor Veterans at Annual Memorial Day Program


May 29, 2023

By Natalie Cook Clark

Katy families and residents can honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom while celebrating and connecting with community.

Annual Katy Memorial Day Program is Today

The Katy VFW Post 9182 and Auxiliary with the American Legion Post 164 will host their annual Memorial Day program this morning at 10:00 a.m. at Magnolia Cemetery (6801 Franz Road.)

Veterans, Families, Community All to Honor those Lost

The event welcomes veterans and community residents alike. There will be a posting of the colors by the Katy VFW Honor Guard as well as the pledge of allegiance and invocation.

“On Memorial Day, we should never forget the men and women who served in the military, and made the ultimate sacrifice dying for the freedoms we enjoy today,” says Katy VFW Post 9182 Commander Terry Higginbotham. “We should never forget the oath they took to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Honored guest speakers will be present and an original poem by Poet Laureate Hubert E. (Ernie) Cormier II will be read.

"These men and women from the Revolutionary War to the present Wars of today are the unsung heroes," says Cormier. "We do this to honor these men and women and remind each generation that their memory shall live on."

The memorial service will include the tolling of the bell for the deceased VFW Post 9182 & American Legion Post 164 comrades and first responders as well as a “21” gun salute and taps.

Bring the family out to honor those Katy service men and woman who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Follow the Katy VFW Post 9182 and the American Legion Post 164 for upcoming events.

Memorial Day Poem

Elegy To Those Taken Away © By Hubert E. Cormier II You stood up, you spoke loud, You stood up, above the crowd, You stood up, so very proud. You stood up, with right on your side, You stood up, to stem the tide, You stood up, you did not hide. You stood up, without a word to say, You stood up, and led the way, You stood up, came what may. You stood up and with all your might, You stood up and entered the fight, you stood up and fought, till morning's light. You stood up and answered the call, You stood up, so very tall, You stood up and gave your all. We stand here gathered this spring day, We stand here in silence, this day in May, We stand here to honor those taken away.


President Harry S. Truman stated, "Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. They have earned our undying gratitude."

How will you honor fallen local veterans today?

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