October 15, 2024
By Natalie Cook Clark
A Katy area resale store was robbed and lost $768,000 in fur coats and high-end clothing.

Photo credit: Designer Diva Resale Shop.
On Tuesday, October 8, 2024 local resale story, Designer Diva was robbed. When the suspects couldn’t get in the back or front doors, they broke a window in the office and bent the bars back to get in.
Designer Diva Helps The Community
“They strategically struck two areas of the store stealing all the high-end, long fur and mink coats,” says owner Michelle Puckett “Then they took the cash drawers where we had been raising funds for the hurricane victims and for our autism projects.”
They stole security cameras and neighboring businesses don’t have any to help in the investigation.
“My insurance does not cover anything for consignment resale,” says Puckett.” The police aren’t helping a whole lot at all.”
Puckett showed them the fingerprints and then they dusted the prints off the display counters. Puckett says that she feels fortunate that they didn’t break display cases to steal the high-end jewelry and purses.
Designer Diva’s helps the local communities, battered women/children, autistic and intellectually challenged young adults.
Michelle Puckett and her son are no strangers to hardships. From her son’s accident of being hit by a drunk driver and becoming partially paralyzed to financial struggles. This is why they choose to give back and help others. Now they need help.
The community is rallying to help support the resale store and recover their loss. Donations can be made online.