May 26, 2020
By Jennifer Miko
Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced amendments to the Phase II initiative to reopen Texas during the coronavirus pandemic. In a proclamation issued today, the Governor set dates to reopen water parks, recreational sport programs for adults, driver education programs, and food-court dining areas within shopping malls.

Photo: Typhoon Texas
In Austin today, Governor Abbott issued a proclamation that listed additional services and activities that can reopen with certain restrictions, to protect the health and safety of participants and guests.
The Governor amended Executive Order GA-23, “by amending item 5 to permit food-court dining areas within shopping malls to open.”
Recommendations for dining areas in shopping malls were listed in a press release on the Governor's website:
"Malls are encouraged to designate one or more individuals who are responsible for ensuring health and safety practices are followed, including:
Limiting tables to six individuals
Maintaining a six-feet distance between individuals sitting at different tables
Cleaning and disinfecting tables between uses
Ensuring no condiments or other items are left on tables between customer uses."
DMV Facilities Available
The proclamation also stated that driver education programs can resume operations immediately. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles' website announced that some of its regional service centers opened as of today, with new office health and safety procedures in place.e.
Water Parks to Reopen
Starting this Friday, May 29, water parks in the state can open, however they must limit occupancy to 25% of normal operating limits. If the water park has a video arcade onsite, that attraction must remain closed.
Locally, Katy's Typhoon Texas announced on their Facebook page that the water park will be opening this weekend.
More Programs to Resume
Recreational sports programs for adults may begin holding practices, without spectators, on Sunday, May 31.
Additionally, those sports can start holding games or similar competitions, with or without spectators, on or after June 15, 2020. Guidelines from the Governor's website state that, "spectators should maintain at least 6 feet social distancing from individuals not within the spectator’s group."
To read the Governor’s full proclamation, click here.