April 27, 2020
By Jennifer Miko
In this afternoon's press conference, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced an Executive Order to reopen businesses in the Lone Star state. His two-phased plan goes into effect this Friday, May 1 and includes restaurants, retail stores, movie theaters and malls, plus, churches, museums and libraries.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott
“Since March we’ve been laying the groundwork for opening up Texas,” said Governor Greg Abbott in today's press conference.
He announced that he will allow his Stay-at-Home Executive Order, that was issued last month, to expire on April 30 as scheduled.
“Now it is time to set a new course that responsibly opens up businesses in Texas," said Governor Abbott. "We will open in a way that uses safe standards for the businesses, and employees, as well as for their customers."
“We’re not going to open up and hope for the best,” says Governor Abbott.
Instead, his plan is to open up businesses in phases, while containing the virus and keeping Texans safe.
Governor Abbott’s Executive Order to Open Businesses
Phase 1: Friday, May 1
All retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters and malls may reopen with an occupancy of no more than 25%.
All museums and libraries may open with occupancy of no more than 25%, but hands-on activities are still cancelled.
Churches and places of worship can expand capacity but must still practice safe distancing.
Outdoor sports may resume, as long as no more than four people are playing together, such as tennis and golf.
“This is a permission to open, not a requirement,” said the Governor.
He added that his Executive Order supersedes all local orders.
Phase 2: Monday, May 18
The businesses and activities from Phase 1 can increase occupancy to 50%, as long as their have been no increases in the spread of COVID-19.
The Governor hopes that bars, hair salons, and gyms will open in mid-May. The advising doctors said these businesses were not safe to open up at this time.
Governor Abbott said he also understands the importance of opening childcare and summer camps. He said his team is working to get them open, keeping safety at the forefront of consideration.
Protecting Texas Seniors
Governor Abbott expressed the need to protect the state’s most vulnerable citizens - Texans 65+, who represent 75% of deaths from the coronavirus. He said businesses should limit exposure for the vulnerable, and that efforts to protect seniors in senior living facilities should be doubled.
“The more we do to protect our vulnerable population, the faster we can safely open up businesses in Texas,” said the Governor.
Governor Abbott reminded residents to continue to maintain social distancing, and protect the most vulnerable population, to reduce the spread of the virus.
“We are Texans, we got this,” said Governor Abbott.
For a complete listing of the Governor’s plan to reopen Texas, click here.
COVID-19 cases in Harris and Fort Bend Counties:
HARRIS COUNTY (source Harris County Public Health)
All statistics current as of this publication
Confirmed Cases
Active Cases
For more information, visit the Harris County Public Health website here.
FORT BEND COUNTY (source Fort Bend County Health & Human Services)
All statistics current as of this publication
Confirmed Cases
For more information, visit the Fort Bend County Health & Human Services website here.