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Good Samaritan Replaces Katy Preschooler’s Backpack, Restores Humanity


July 16, 2020

By Natalie Cook Clark

When a three-year-old Katy boy lost his “Paw Patrol” backpack, with his favorite toys in it, his family posted signs hoping for its return. While the backpack is still missing, a kind-hearted Good Samaritan replaced it, and gifted cash to help replace the contents. This kind act restored one family's faith in humanity during these trying times.

Backpack Lost on Fourth of July

Three-year-old Benjamin of Katy was devastated when he lost his favorite “Paw Patrol” backpack at a local Kroger on the Fourth of July. In it he carried some of his favorite toys. The backpack was set to be used this year, his first year of preschool.

“It’s been a rough couple of weeks sandwiched around a lost suitcase full of our youngest son's very important items to him,” says Benjamin’s father, Nicholas Doherty.

A Trail of False Leads

The family put up signs around neighborhood sites. They quickly got a call from a local Kroger but that turned out to be a wrong number.

“People called, people texted, we posted signs and the world came together to help that didn’t know us from Adam,” says Doherty.

At one point they were going to meet a young lady who claimed she had the backpack but she never showed. Hope was nearly lost when another call came.

Enter the Good Samaritan

“A man called saying he saw our sign and that he didn’t have the backpack but had replaced it,” explains Doherty.

The Dohertys met up with the mystery Good Samaritan at a local Shell station.

“I would be lying if I didn’t say there were tears in my eyes when he walked over to us with the suitcase in his hand and handed it to Benjamin,” says Doherty.

“So happy to help!” said the Good Samaritan. “Great meeting you and your son.”

He told them that there was a gift inside for Benjamin.

“As he drove away I opened it and found an envelope inside,” continues Doherty.

The envelope included cash to help replace some of Benjamin's missing toys.

“I would really be lying if I said I didn’t sit in the parking lot for a little while bawling my eyes out at that point...He didn’t do it for the glory, not for praise, he is a Good Samaritan not knowing us, but blessing us,” says Doherty.

The Dohertys had considered the backpack and its contents as lost. This outcome was unexpected.

Family Offers Praise of Unsung Hero

“I am seeing the world in a new light. There are good people in this world, unsung heroes that do things just because it’s good and right to be kind,” says Doherty.

I’m not sure if the gentleman who met us wants to be formally recognized but I have to say that this has truly helped restore my faith in humanity,” says Doherty.

“We will definitely take this blessing and remember to pay it forward,” says Doherty. “Remember to be a Good Samaritan, the value of the unsung hero.”

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