November 13, 2019
By Natalie Cook Clark
Constable Ted Heap announced he will seek re-election to continue serving the people of Harris County's Precinct 5 for a second term. His name will be on the March primary ballot, and he looks forward to being the GOP nominee for the November 2020 election.

The 'Old Fashioned Way of Hard Work'
"I always wanted to be in a service position," says Constable Heap. "It just seemed like a natural fit."
Constable Heap, a 35-year veteran in law enforcement, has spent his entire career in Harris County. These are his streets and his neighbors.
"I've worked every shift, every rank, and moved up the old fashioned way of hard work," says Constable Heap.
Keeps His Promises
"When I took office on January 1, 2017, I promised to work to professionalize Precinct 5, increase officer training and give the men and women of this of this department every tool they needed to serve the constituents and families we are charged with protecting," says Constable Heap. "I have kept those promises. Much has been accomplished, but there is more to do."
Responsible for Many New Programs
During his career, Constable Heap has founded and been instrumental in the development of many programs and initiatives that directly impact the residents of Harris County and their surrounding communities.
The Environmental Crimes Unit
"I founded the Environmental Crimes Unit (ECU) in 1993 and it's the first of its kind."
The unit's goal is to stop advanced environmental crimes such as illegal dumping, emitting chemicals, and solid waste dumping such as trash. Today, this program works across 13 county regions.
The Silver Watch Program
One of the most popular programs that Constable Heap created is the Harris County Silver Watch program. Under Silver Watch, senior citizens can sign up, or be signed up by concerned family members, for regular personal welfare checks. Once a senior resident is registered, an officer will follow up with a phone call to get any additional information that can best help serve the individual. Uniformed deputies will visit their home on a regular basis and make sure the registered senior citizen is safe and well.
"It's a great way for us to keep in contact with those who may need special assistance during times of need," says Constable Heap.
Animal Cruelty Hotline
Constable Heap, in conjunction with other law enforcement and animal protection agencies, created the new Animal Cruelty Hotline and Website: 832-927-PAWS and www.927PAWS.org. The new hotline and online website will offer an easier and more coordinated way to report animal neglect, abuse, hoarding, torture and dog fighting.
With over 50 law enforcement agencies in Harris County, citizens often do not know where this type of abuse can be reported. The council’s goal was to make it easy for citizens to report animal cruelty and neglect to the correct agency, thereby helping animals in need as quickly as possible. This also would free up resources that were incorrectly getting the calls.
Inspired by Family and Faith
Constable Heap stays busy on various projects and programs, but explains: "A title, a badge isn't who I am. Everything is a spoke in my wheel. My wife Jennifer, of 36 years, is the stabilizing force in me." They have two sons, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.
The Heaps also finds support in their church, St. Edith Stein Catholic Community. Heap serves his community as a deacon and says his faith helps keep him grounded.

'Serving Everyone with Integrity'
"They say running in a presidential election cycle can be rough on an incumbent," says Constable Heap. "But I'm anxious for voters to hear about the improvements we have made in Precinct 5. This is not about politics. Sure, we have to run. But this job is about serving everyone with integrity, protecting everyone and making sure this department is innovative when reaching to the needs of a dynamic and diverse community."
Katy Magazine spotlighted Constable Heap as part of our first responders magazine feature last summer.