November 16, 2018
On Monday, November 12, during their regular meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the attendance boundary modification (ABM) designed for the opening of Elementary #42.
Elementary #42 Opening Fall 2019
Attendance Boundary Modifications
With the construction of Elementary #42 set to be completed for the 2019-20 school year, Board of Trustee members considered and discussed attendance boundary modification (ABM) options. After seeking the public’s consideration through a survey, Trustees approved Option #1 which can be viewed on the Attendance Boundary Modification website.
Approval for New Elementary School
The survey, which was sent out in June 2018, contained three options which were sent to families who could potentially be impacted by the change. On October 17, the survey was closed and District administrators along with Population and Survey Analysts (PASA) collaboratively crafted the recommendations from the community.
Survey Results
The results showed that 40% of families that could be impacted by this change participated in the survey bringing the total participants to 1,442. Option #1 resulted in the most favored choice with 47% of participants fully supporting the recommendation, 22% somewhat supporting the recommendation, 12% not supporting the recommendation and 20% indicating they were unsure. This option represents a balance between building utilization, proximity for students and peer stability in the education environment.
What is an Attendance Boundary Modification (ABM)?
Attendance Boundary Modifications (ABMs) help KATY ISD manage growth in the disstrict. As the District grows, KATY ISD must adjust boundaries when new schools are opened. This helps balance the number of students at each school.
Why is an ABM necessary for 2019-20?
An ABM is necessary for SY 2019-2020 due to growing enrollment and the opening of a new elementary school and a junior high school that will provide enrollment relief to neighboring schools.