September 22, 2017
Katy ISD says no make up days will be added over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Breaks, but there will be four extended early release days
A Message to Parents from Katy ISD
As many families and staff continue recovery efforts in our neighborhoods, homes and community, we are also slowly but surely getting back on track with the business of teaching and learning across Katy ISD campuses. As you know, our students lost two weeks of instructional time as a result of Tropical Storm Harvey. However, because the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will be waiving up to 10 instructional days, there will be no need to extend the 2017-18 instructional calendar, or to modify the Thanksgiving, Christmas/winter, and spring breaks.
Our Curriculum Department has worked diligently over the past few weeks to realign and restructure the curriculum unit plans to ensure that all state standards will be taught this school year. As such, there will be no gaps in the taught and tested curriculum.
Also, to ensure that our students receive the full benefits of the Katy ISD learning experience, we have identified means to regain lost instructional time to deliver additional support to students.This includes providing enrichment resources for our families, supplementary study opportunities for Advanced Placement (AP) students, and extending four early release days to full days of instruction.
Enrichment Resources for Families: Online instructional enrichment activities developed by our Curriculum Department are available for parents or guardians to work with their child(ren) at home. These enhanced learning activities are ungraded and optional, and are available on the Katy ISD Curriculum & Instruction web page. Each core subject area will be covered for the remainder of the school year. These subjects include language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Support for Advanced Placement (AP) Students: Additional study opportunities will also be offered to students preparing for the May 2018 AP exams. Review sessions and resources are currently being developed and will be shared with students, and published on the website later this Fall.
Extending Four Early Release Days: The 2017-2018 instructional calendar included six “early release” days that are typically designated for professional development, teacher preparation, and parent conferences. Four of the previously designated early release days (Oct. 9, 20, Feb 16, April 13) will be extended to full instructional days. This is designed to allow students more time in the classroom, as well as to serve the needs of so many of our families who are displaced by Harvey and depending, now more than ever, on the daily routine of school to bring a sense of normalcy to their child(ren)’s lives. We understand that October 9 and 20 had been set aside for parent/teacher conferences at many campuses. However, in lieu of the in-person conferences, parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers by email and/or phone. Parents should also continue to monitor their student’s progress on theHome Access Center. Friday, December 15 and Thursday, May 24 will remain “early release” days since final exams are given on those dates.
Thank you for your understanding as we move forward with these post-Harvey initiatives to recapture lost instructional time and to provide additional support to our students and families. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your school.