August 15, 2023
By Natalie Cook Clark
Katy ISD students return to school tomorrow and everyone is busy wrapping up Summer and prepping for the new academic year. Katy ISD has released important information to help Katy families prepare for the new year. Here is what you need to know.

Don’t miss out on important Katy ISD information ahead of the new academic year. From new elementary bell schedules, parent notification on library book checkout, volunteer procedures, meet the teacher events, and more! Katy ISD students return to school next week.
1. Enrollment Information/ Schedules Available
Enrollment is still open for new Katy ISD students. All current families should have received an email with information regarding their Annual Student Update. This provides parents with the chance to easily update and verify information. Even if you don’t have any changes, all families must complete the Annual Student Update.
You can access both the new student enrollment and the Annual Student Update at the website.
Student teacher assignments and schedules are now available on the Katy ISD's Home Access Center.
2. New SMART Tag Bus Rider ID System
The District is rolling out a new SMART Tag bus rider ID system to help monitor the ridership of eligible bus riders. The system will enable parents, bus drivers, and school administrators, to review in real time, when and where a student is picked up or dropped off by a school bus. Student ID cards for bus riders will include the SMART Tag ID information. Buses will be equipped with a tablet that will read each student’s ID every time they enter and exit their bus. Parents and guardians will also have access to the SMART Tag Parent Web Portal — a cloud-based platform that will enable them to monitor their student’s ridership and bus route. Parents and guardians of eligible bus riders will receive additional information about the Smart Tag ID system via the email address they have on file with the district. The Smart Tag ID system replaces Katy ISD’s Edulog Lite App.
3. Know Your School's Schedule
Katy ISD’s elementary bell schedule staggers their start times in effort to maximize bus routes, minimize service delays, and accommodate for ongoing driver shortages. This schedule only affects elementary campuses, the bell schedule for junior high and high school remains the same.
Know Your Schools Start Time
Tier A Elementary Campuses First Bell: 7:43 a.m.; Tardy Bell: 7:50 a.m.; Dismissal: 3:00 p.m.
· Alexander
· Campbell
· Cimarron
· Faldyn
· Hayes
· Hutsell
· Mayde Creek
· McRoberts
· Memorial Parkway
· Rhoads
· Rylander
· Sundown
· Winborn
· WoodCreek
· Youngblood
Mid-Tier Elementary Campuses First Bell: 8:03 a.m.; Tardy Bell: 8:10 a.m.; Dismissal: 3:20 p.m.
· Bear Creek
· Bethke
· Bryant
· Exley
· Fielder
· Franz
· Golbow
· Griffin
· Holland
· Katy
· McElwain
· Morton Ranch
· Nottingham
· Randolph
· Shafer
· Stanley
· West Memorial
· Williams
· Wilson
· Wolfe
Tier B Elementary Campuses First Bell: 8:23 a.m.; Tardy Bell: 8:30 a.m.; Dismissal: 3:40 p.m.
· Creech
· Davidson
· Jenks
· Kilpatrick
· King
· Leonard
· Pattison
· Robertson
· Schmalz
· Stephens
· Wolman
Junior High Schools: First Bell: 8:48 a.m.; Tardy Bell: 8:55 a.m.; Dismissal: 4:05 p.m.
High Schools: First Bell: 7:08 a.m.; Tardy Bell: 7:15 a.m.; Dismissal: 2:35 p.m.
4. Secondary Book Notifications
Parents of junior high and high school students can set up a notification for when their student checked out a “young adult fiction” book from the library. Parents can elect this notification when filling out the Annual Student Update.
If a parent didn’t elect this notification and wishes to make a change they can still request the notification via email.
5. Free and Reduced Meals for 2023-2024 School Year
Meals will not be free or reduces this academic year unless families apply and are accepted.
See if your student meets the requirements for free and reduces meals with Katy ISD online. All families must reapply for this program even if they previously met the requirements.
6. Communication and Technology You Need to Know
The District is offering "Technology Parent Webinars" on the following dates to help families get familiar with the technology used to ensure your student's success. All sessions will be on Zoom. Click on the date for the meeting link.
Here is the link.
Home Access Center (HAC): This will be your main form of communication is accessing student schedules, grades, report cards, and more.
Temporary ID’s: All Katy students must wear ID’s. Parents can easily access temporary ID’s for their student through HAC.
CANVAS: This is the parent and student guide to their year inside and outside of the classroom. This is important to understand and learn well to prepare for a successful year.
Student District Emails: Each Katy student has access to their own District email. This is how they will handle school related communication. Parents and students can access this through My Katy Cloud. If you have trouble logging in, contact your home campus.
Tech Support: Having trouble? Katy ISD offers Technology Support to assist families as we begin a new school year. Learn more about District technology, upcoming webinars, and support online.
7. Immunizations
According to the District, all students enrolled in Katy ISD must be in compliance with required state immunizations. The District, in partnership with the Texas Vaccine Institute, is offering times to vaccinate any Katy ISD student. This service is available for insured or uninsured students and will help students get their required vaccines before school starts.
Where to go:
August 9, 10, 11, 16 9:00AM – 12:00PM and 2:00PM – 5:00PM Katy ISD-Professional Development Annex building
6301 S. Stadium Lane, Katy, 77494
$15 for one immunization, $25 for two, and $30 for three or more. They will be accepting both credit cards and cash. Bring your shot record and insurance card if you are insured.
8. Pay 'N' Go and Athletic Schedule
Get to know the District's Pay 'N' Go. This is how Katy families can maintain their school cafeteria payments as well as buy tickets to both athletic and fine arts events.
The Varsity Football Schedule is out. See when your team is playing. Tickets can be purchased online, at the high schools, and at the stadium box office.
Follow other Katy ISD athletic schedules online.
9. New Discipline Management Plan/Dress for Success
The Katy ISD Board of Trustees passed a new Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct. Due to a new State law, vaping results in automatic OAC placement.
To help Katy families with back to school shopping, the District created an easy visual to explain the dress code that will be strictly enforced. Tax free weekend in this weekend August 11-13, 2023.

10. Katy ISD Volunteers
The District requires all volunteers serving on campus during the instructional day to register with the district through its Raptor security system online.
After an individual is registered and approved, they can contact their school campus to volunteer and sign up for various activities. Volunteers can also submit and track volunteer hours through this system.
Additional Back to School Information
Meet this teacher is scheduled for August 14, 2023. Junior highs and high schools are holding times for students to walk their schedules. Check with your school campus for information. Follow Katy ISD online for more back-to-school information.