By Natalie Cook Clark and Katy Magazine Editors
They coach, they cook and clean, they serve on boards, they mentor youth, but most importantly, they live the example every day of what it means to be a true father. We know that Katy is home to countless FABULOUS DADS, but here are our Top 50 Katy Dad Picks for 2019.
1. Matt Schomburg
Married for 18 years to Heather Schomburg
Children: Tyler 16, Maverick 14, Miller 11, and Riggs 8

Raising Faithful Young Men
"My life is no longer about me, but making sure I am raising Godly men," says Matt Schomburg. Matt is Dad to Tyler 16, Maverick 14, Miller 11, and Riggs 8. "I love watching these guys grow and change and into young men. It is awesome to walk alongside them as they figure stuff out, help mold them into who they want to be and to show them unconditional love along the way. They add so much to our life, I can't imagine it any other way."
Setting the Example
Matt is a State Farm agent in Old Katy. Matt is actively involved in the Katy community and sets a fine example for his four boys. He currently serves on the Christ Clinic Board and the Katy ISD Education Foundation Board. He is a former president of the Katy YMCA board.

Funniest Parenting Moment
Many parents can relate to Matt's silliest parenting moment which involves diaper changing.
"Heather and I spent a decade changing diapers," he explains. "We had one son that took way too long to potty train. One day I was home alone with the kids and his diaper was out of control and the only way to get him clean was to take him outside and hose him down. After that it didn’t take too long for him to figure out how to use the toilet."
"I want my children to have a great work ethic, love their future wives, find a way to get plugged into their community and love the Lord," says Matt.
2. Kyle Atkinson
Married 10 years to Kelly Atkinson
Children: Kyler 9 and Kage 2

Better Dad Due to Poor Role Model
Kyle Atkinson didn't have a great role model growing up. When he became a dad, he knew he would be different.
"I love that I now get to be the kind of dad to my boys that I always wanted as a kid," says Kyle. "I get to be their role model, I get to teach them about life, how to fix things, and just be there for them." Kyle is a Master Sergeant in the US Air Force and is currently a recruiter for the greater Katy area.
Five More Minutes...
"I love that my kids light up when he comes home at the end of the day. They beg for just five more minutes of play time with him," says his wife Kelly. "They want to copy everything he does, and that they both want their last kiss before bed to be from daddy.
Kyle hosts many events for his job, and hit boys are usually there - whether it's kickball, paintball, or laying wreaths on grave sites for Wreaths Across America

Core Values
"The core values of the Air Force are integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do," says Kyle. "I try to put these values into action each day and I hope my boys see that and learn from it. I also hope that they'll learn from me to be men of their word and to pour joy into others' lives."
3. Frank Carroll
Married for 15 years to April Caroll
Children: Bryant 13, and Lincoln 7, and angel baby Grant

Always a Dad First
Many people in Katy know Frank Carroll as the outgoing and community-loving City Council member. But first, he's Dad to Bryant and Lincoln.
"I truly believe that my sons will one day follow my example, not my advice," says Frank, "and I do my level best to teach them that being a gentleman is still worth the effort, and that working hard at work worth doing is the highest calling."
Serving the Community
Frank has been a Katy Council member since September 2018. He previously served as interim pastor of Trinity Faith Church and is an active member of Katy Community Fellowship. Before he was a Council member, he served on the City’s Board of Adjustment. He is currently a member of the Katy Economic Development Council and the West Houston Association. He also serves on a number of civic and faith-based committees and boards.
Imagination is Powerful
"My sons have changed my life (for the better) in just about every way," says Frank. "They have taught me that imagination is powerful, and not just for kids; they have made me more aware of my shortcomings, and have given me the strength to overcome them; and they have made me slow down and appreciate the small things in life."

Make 'Em Laugh
Frank continues to show his sons love and service by the example of his dedication to the Katy community. With all he does though, his favorite moment is the welcome home he gets each day.
"I love making my kids laugh, and the nightly race for the first hug when I get home," says Frank.
4. Stanley Lane
Married 21 years to Nicole Lane
Children: Morgan 15 and Julian 12

Photo by Portrait Innovations
More Than an Ex-Marine, Lawyer
Stanley isn't just a great Dad, he's also a wonderful husband who supports his wife's dreams and career. Nicole is a professional opera singer who travels the globe up to six months of the year. When she's away her husband Stanley cares for their talented son and daughter - he juggles the kids' busy practice and rehearsal schedules in addition to holding down the fort at work and home.
Keeping Things Steady
"Being a father is tough and a lot of responsibility," says Stanley, "but I enjoy my kids. I love teaching them, teasing them, playing with them."

"We could have put our kids in daycare when I am out of town," says Nicole, "but that would disrupt their lives. We came to the decision that we would do what we could to keep their lives as steady as possible and that all falls on him."
"Watching them grow up has been a blessing, " says Stanley. "It is not only the big things I remember and enjoy, but the little things like showing them ants for the first time."
A Role Model
"He has a kind heart," says his daughter Morgan. "He uses his intelligence for everything he does, which makes him one the best role models."
Stanley spends quality time with his kids whether it's correcting his son's basketball form or teaching his daughter to drive. Nicole remembers, "When Hurricane Harvey happened, Stan joined the LaPrade Brigade. He bought our 10-year-old son his own tool belt and tools and they served our community together by ripping out sheetrock and demoing houses."
"I want my children to have good character. I want them to honest and truthful," says Stanley. "Their word should be their bond."
5. Angus Pollard
Married 15 years to Farrell Pollard
Children: Keegan 12 and Finn 8

Great Buddies
Angus Pollard is a proud Dad to Keegan and Finn. "I love that I have two young boys that look up to me, and are curious about so much," says Angus. "I also love that in my boys, I always have two great little buddies that are always ready to hang out or have an adventure."
A Community Mentor
While he's a role model to his sons, Pollard has mentored (and continues to) countless Katy youth. He has owned a Tae Kwon Do academy (Tiger Rock Martial Arts) in Katy since 2000.
"My sons have definitely changed my outlook when I teach," explains Angus. "As a parent I have experienced the ups and downs of training, competition and testings with my children. Now that I am a father, it is much easier for me to a take step back, and observe other students understanding that each one is so different."

"I want my boys to be kind to everyone," he says. "And help make a positive change in their communities."
Support for the Community
Angus and his Tiger Rock academies hold annual Board Break-a-thons to raise money for a cause. In 2017 they raised funds for their students affected by Hurricane Harvey. Last year they raised money for the family of Jorge Frias, a long-time instructor whose wife was suffering from cancer.
"Mr. Pollard is more than a Tae Kwon Do instructor," says Kent Cook. "Not only did he teach me TKD but he taught me to be a better man. He always has a smile and is someone I will always have the sincerest gratitude for."
Here's the rest of our 50 FAB DADS in no particular order.
6. Chris Harris
Council member, community leader, youth coach and father first
7. Kyle Cribbs
Hard-working, all-around great dad of two
8. Stephen Archer
Father of a six-year-old and a newborn, and is his family's protector and provider
9. Edgar Feliciano
He teaches with patience and perseverance. He is the father he always wished for his children.
10. Eric San Miguel

Single dad, youth mentor, coaches football and soccer, and community volunteer
"Being a single dad is tough, but no matter how tired I get, my boys are my energy!" says Eric. "I grew up with some amazing dads through my friends and I have always wanted to be one of those type of dads."
11. Sean Doherty
Hard-working, passionate dad of two boys, helps neighbors, volunteers, amazing dad and role model
12. Jon Hicks
Father, pastor, mentor to many, the "perfect" Dad!
13. Duke Keller
Dad, attorney and Katy ISD Board of Trustee who works hard every day for his family
14. Josh Skalka
Dad of three, business owner, WatchDOG, outstanding adventure seeker
15. Dr. Danny Phillips
Father, stepdad, psychologist, equine therapist, and great role model
16. Tim Cupples
A Dad who works twelve-hour days to come home and handle homework, activities, and bathtime!
17. Jacob Anderson
Father to four girls, soccer dad, gymnastics supporter, adventure-lover, Buc-ee's fan, Katy ISD volunteer, financial advisor
18. Rory Robertson Long-time Katyite, hands-on dad of three, youth sports coach
19. Chad Ringley
Dad of eight-year-old twins, Brady and Chloe, WatchDog, Pee Wee tackle football coach
20. Monta "Monty" Waits VI
"Amazing" father, stepdad, deputy with Harris County Sheriff's Office

"Through Harvey his wife was having preterm labor at home but yet he went into work and worked out of a fire station for five days straight doing high water rescues and making sure everyone was safe," says Melody Waits.
21. Jonathan Negro
U.S. Navy veteran, reservist, father to four boys and dedicated to his family
22. Matt Hall
Born and raised in Katy, coach, supportive parent of four who makes a blended family work with ease
23. Jason Neville
Served in the U.S. Coast Guard for 12 years, helps with everything around the house and will do anything for his kids
24. Henry (Hank) Hall
Father of three, grandpa to eight who "know he is the best PaPa they could possibly have."
25. Michael Hall
Single dad of twin teenagers, always tries to make things special for them
26. George Chou
Will celebrate his first Father's Day this month, stayed in the hospital for three weeks while his son grew stronger in NICU, also proud dad to Brutus, the Boxer
27. Alexander Amor
Lives up to his "lovely" last name, teaching his daughter to cook, also a father of a newborn girl, puts his family as priority
28. Matt Kennington
Patient dad who's very involved with his kids, amazing, makes his family happy
29. Jason Blakeman
Father of five, but makes it look easy, sacrifices for his family to be happy, truly understands what quality time means
30. David Robson
Father of two, with one on the way, patient, dependable, Godly, a "gift to his family"

Photo by Three Little Chickadees Photography
"Life is also not always easy, but in the rough times, he holds it together and remains the rock we can all depend on," says wife, Katie Robson. They lost their home during Hurricane Harvey but have two beautiful girls and expecting a boy!
31. Ray Berkey
Loving father to two boys who gives children someone to truly admire
32. Doug Arevalo
Takes care of his wife and two boys, helps around the house, "amazing father and truly a great man"
33. Lance Redmon
Doting dad and Katy ISD Board of Trustee. "He's the one you hope your son turns out to be."
34. Matthew LeDoux
His daughter says he's the best dad because, "He buys us candy, gives us piggyback rides, reads the Bible, he can fix anything, kills bugs, works hard, and protects his family."
35. Guadalupe Rodriguez
"His boys are his life." He works hard to make sure his family is provided for, father of five boys and has two granddaughters.
36. Andy Graves
He works hard to be the best role model for his son; he is a dedicated father and husband.
37. Chris Morgan
Principal, Taylor High School, supports his school kids and his own three, amazing dad of blended family, who say they're lucky to have him!
38. Jason Adair
Dedicated to his family and sacrifices to meet their every need, father of a three-year-old boy and twin angel babies
39. Joshua Holleman
Firefighter, dedicated father of six
40. Vu Hunyn
Career dad who took a break to become a stay-at-home dad and raise his son

Photo credit: Brittney Chiappinelli
"Vu put his career on hold three years ago to become a stay-at-home parent to our son Raiden," says wife Brandy Huynh. "We are truly blessed to have him in our lives."
41. James Strickland
Organizer of Katy ISD Men on Campus program, involved dad, and power lifter
42. Ben Hilton
Loving, hands-on dad of five young children, always makes time to give to others
43. Spencer Antinoro
Humane Officer of Katy, dad of twin boys, amazing mechanic, and slime-cleaning hero
44. Jonathan Hodges
Hardworking, devoted, big-family dad of eight children.
45. Tom Lyman
Proves that dads are forever by not only supporting his daughter in her swimming but now supports the kids she coaches!
46. Ryann Nowell
Dad of three young children, supporting wife Erica who is struggling with her second round of cancer
47. Jerry Martinez
Father to four, including twins, Katy Youth Soccer coach, and Katy ISD WatchDOG.
48. Wendell Ishee
Makes sure he is involved in his son's life despite the crazy high school football coach life.
49. Rom Crespo
Principal, husband, dad and volunteer who goes to the ends of the earth for his family
50. Casey Givens
Dad, grandfather, business owner, and mentor

Photo credit: Jennifer Givens
"He loves God, his country and family; is hard working (owns three companies) and keeps us laughing at all times," says wife Jennifer Givens. He is a father of five daughters ages 9-22 and a grandfather to a three-year-old granddaughter.
Did we miss a Fab Dad that you know? Email editor@katymagazine.com!