by Katy Magazine's Editors
We've collected the best cheats, and sneaky eating tricks for how food loving Texans can survive peak eating season and still fit in the their jeans in January.

With some Americans gaining between 5 to 10 pounds over the holidays, we wanted to share some tried-and-true tricks from local ladies for keeping those extra pounds off and fitting into your littlest black dress.
Have Water with Everything
Have a large glass of water in between cocktails and snacks to fill you up and keep you from over-indulging.
Choose a "Skinny" Margarita
Before you go out to a food-filled party, have a nourishing bowl of soup, a protein shake, or a meal replacement shake with plenty of water. You'll feel too full to overeat.
Skip the Bread and Rolls
Bypass the break basket and other carbs in favor of vegetables, fruits and proteins.
Fill up Before You Go
Before you go out to a food-filled party, have a nourishing bowl of soup, a protein shake, or a meal replacement shake with plenty of water. You'll feel too full to overeat.
Pre-Plan Your Calories
If you have a big party at night, make it a point to eat light during the day.
Focus on Socializing Instead of Eating
Instead of heading to the food and drink table when you hit a party, spend time visiting and socializing with friends and meeting new people. Hang on anywhere but where the food is.
Drink Light
Choose a glass of champagne or a rum and Diet Coke over a daiquiri, which can have up to five times more calories. A super light beer or a white wine spritzer can save up to 100 calories per drink.
Resist the Urge to Nibble
When hostessing and cooking, resist the temptation of sampling every menu item and taste testing more than a little bit. Just like you don't go to the grocery store hungry, don't cook a meal on a starving stomach. Choose to Move
Always take the stairs over the elevator, dance at the party instead of sit, and walk to your child's school instead of drive. Look for ways to burn calories all day.
Honor the Do Not Eat List
Create a list of foods that you know you just shouldn't eat. Look at it daily and be self-disciplined enough to honor it. You can bring your own platter of what you can have so you will have something healthy to eat.
Unsweeten Your Sweet Tea
The average sweet tea has 90 calories so if you're drinking multiple servings a day, you might as well eat a meal. Choose the unsweetened tea and add your sugar substitute or just get used to the taste of it.
Simplify Your Coffee
Did you know that most specialty Starbucks drinks have over 500 calories? Choose a Cafe American with Splenda instead, which only had 15 calories, or better yet, drink it black.
Say No to Yoga Pants
Unless you are hitting the gym or a yoga class, there is no reason to wear your stretch pants. They just don't keep you accountable.
Careful with Coffee
Did you know that most specialty Starbucks drinks have over 500 calories? You can choose a black Cafe Americano with Splenda and reduce that to 15 calories. Better yet, drink it black. If you fill your coffee at home with creamer, you could be adding 30-50 calories per cup and over a year, that's over 18,000 calories a year for just one coffee a day.
Find a Way to Move
Find a deliberate way every day to move for for 30 minutes. Whether you walk, run, take a class, or ride a bike, just get moving.
Don't Size Up Your Jeans
Tight jeans keep you accountable. If your jeans are too tight, it's time to weigh in, cut back and do better the upcoming weeks until you're back to fitting in them again.
Tastes of Texas
Instead of filling your plate with Texas-sized portions, take a small spoonful of a few of your favorites. Taste that delicious dessert and a spoonful of macaroni and cheese, but resist the urge to have a full helping.

Don't Finish Your Plate
Unlike mama always told you, never finish your plate at a restaurant. Either leave it unfinished or take some home for the next day. (Tip: Don't eat your leftovers later that night.) Texas-sized portions can have thousands of calories per meal.
Bite it Write it
If you're having trouble tracking all the holiday calories you're consuming, try writing down every single thing you eat and the approximate calories next to it. Write down food and drinks.
Recover the Next Day
If you went too far and over-indulged one day, recover by eating extra light and doing a double dose of exercise the next day.