These FREE awesome Vacation Bible School programs in Katy, Texas offer faith filled fun for Katy Area school age kiddos!

By Ashley Lancaster
Game On with Team Kingsland Kingsland Baptist Church
June 11 - 15 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Kids entering first through sixth grade will be encouraged to join God's team, to train hard, and celebrate their salvation.
The Legend of Longbeard Second Baptist
1463 Campus 5757 FM 1463
West Campus 19449 Katy Fwy., Houston
July 23 - 26 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Explore the life of David and participate in bible stories, crafts, skits, the "Big Show" and more. For children ages 5 and entering third grade.
Kingdom Quest Katy's First Baptist Church 600 Pin Oak Rd. June 4 - 7
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Five years through 6th grade invited to participate!
Bear Creek Baptist Church 5901 N. Fry Rd.
June 11 - 15 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
For children age 5 ( as of September 1, 2017) through those entering 6th grade. There will be lots of fun, snacks, activities, and a memory verse.
The Pentecostals of Katy
1941 Westborough Dr.
June 18-22
6:15pm - 9:00pm
Ages 4-11
Venture onto an uncharted island where kids survive and thrive. Anchor kids in the truth that Jesus carries them through life’s storms. Snacks, games, prizes, activities and FUN for kids! Parents, enjoy a week of date-nights while your children have a BLAST! Register today!
Shipwrecked Parkway Fellowship 27043 FM 1093, Richmond
2225 Porter Rd. (Inside Faith West Academy)
June 24 - 27 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Hilarious skits, energetic worship time, interactive bible stories, games, snacks and more while kids dive deeper into God's word.
Game On Trinity Baptist Church 1000 Spring Green Blvd.
July 9 - 13
Registration opens May 1, 2018.
Church of the Holy Apostles
1225 W. Grand Pkwy. S.
June 4 - 7 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Kids ages preschool through 5th grade. Limited space for preschool.