By Anne Lee and Katrina Katsarelis
With so many parents and kids out school shopping through the month of August, we wanted to make you know some important dress code rules for Katy ISD students. Although there are no new changes this year, it's good info to have for both seasoned Katy ISD parents or those families just moving to Katy.

How long should my daughter's skirt be? Is this graphic tee appropriate? What shoes are allowed on campus or for PE? These are typical questions parents ask. Here is the basic rundown on what's okay and what's not.
Note: All dress code policies apply to junior high and high school students.
Shirts and blouses must be buttoned appropriately and may not be over-sized or immodestly undersized. They may not show references to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, death, violence, vulgar or obscene language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity. Undershirts, tank tops, blouses or clothing that expose the midriff when the arms are raised may not be worn.
Acceptable pants must be worn at the waist, belted, if appropriate, and not baggy. Pants may not touch the ground or cover the feet, or be made of inappropriately form-fitting materials. Pajama pants may not be worn, or pants with holes or tears above mid-thigh, unless worn over leggings.
These should be no shorter than mid-thigh for all grades. Dress tops must meet the guidelines required for blouses and shirts. They may not be made of revealing, form-fitting materials. Slits in skirts or dresses must be modest. High-slashed apparel is not acceptable. All must be be no shorter than mid-thigh regardless of whether leggings are also worn.
Shoes must be worn at all times and chosen for safety and health reasons and for quietness. Athletic shoes with a rubber sole, closed toes, and full support around the heel should be worn for PE. Platform soles over 1 inch high and rubber flip-flops are not recommended for safety reasons. House shoes and shoes with wheels are not acceptable.
Hair must be clean, well groomed, and out of the eyes. It should be a non-distracting hair color. Hair should be styled in a way that is not distracting or conspicuous.
Facial Hair must be clean and well groomed, and styled in a way that is not distracting and conspicuous.
Enforcing the Dress Code
Principals at individual campuses are authorized to publish and enforce additional rules that are deemed necessary to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment. If the principal determines that a student’s clothing or grooming violates the district’s dress code, the student shall be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. In some cases, the parent may be given the option to correct the problem, i.e. granting permission for the student to shave. If the problem is not corrected, the student shall be assigned to in-school-suspension for the remainder of the day or until the problem is corrected. Repeated offenses will result in more serious disciplinary action.
Here is the actual guide for exact rules that need to be followed: