Candlelight and Christmas Eve Services in Katy, Texas.

Celebrate the Christmas season at one of these nearby churches with your closest family and friends.
KATY MAGAZINE | DECEMBER 2018 by Angie Waller
5901 N. Fry Rd
4 pm, 5:30 pm, 7 pm - Christmas Candlelight Service
1225 W. Grand Pkwy S.
5 pm & 10:30 pm
700 Westgreen Blvd.
4 pm & 6 pm
26600 Westheimer Pkwy.
Beginning at 4 pm
A Charlie Brown Christmas on the big screen outside
FREE hot chocolate, coffee and Christmas treats
A live nativity with actors and LIVE animals
A snow globe family photo station
Christmas prayer stations at Cross Plaza
Beginning at 5 pm
Outdoor Christmas Eve worship service with Christmas carols
A Christmas Message from Lead Pastor, Darren Walter
Candlelight (& glow sticks for kids) worship under the stars
5601 E. 5th St.
Dec. 23 – 6 pm Contemporary Candlelight Service
Dec. 24 – 4 pm Children’s Candlelight Service
6 pm Traditional Candlelight Service
8 pm Candlelight & Communion Service
2655 S. Mason Rd.
11 am Children’s “Kidz” Service 11 am
3 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
22111 Morton Rd.
4 pm - Family Christmas Eve Service
4 pm &11 pm –Candlelight Service
600 Pin Oak Rd.
5:30 pm - Candlelight Service
20555 Kingsland Blvd.
3 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm - Christmas Eve Service
4535 Ventana Pkwy.
9:30 am - Christmas Eve Service
Tays Junior High
26721 Hawk's Prairie Blvd.
5:00 pm - The family-friendly, music-filled service features familiar carols and other Christmas favorites, as well as a special message of hope from Pastor Scott Rawlings. A nursery is available for children up to 2 years of age. Children who are pre-school age and older will have worship seat activities and a snack.
Silent Night and the lighting of luminaries concludes the service for a truly inspirational celebration of the most special gift ever given, the gift of Jesus.
In addition, a beautiful Christmas backdrop will enable attendees to take family photos as a keepsake of the season.
Westpark Campus
27043 FM 1093 Rd.
2:00, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30 pm
(Raines High School at Rhodes Stadium)
1732 Katyland Dr.
3:30 & 5:00 pm
5356 11th St.
4:00 pm Live Nativity (not a Mass)
5:00 and 7 :00 pm (English), 9:00 pm (Spanish) Children’s Mass
11:00 am Concert
12:00 am Midnight Mass (Bilingual)
5373 Franz Rd.
4:30 pm - Christmas Carol Sing
5 pm - Christmas Eve Service, Rite II
7:30 pm - Christmas Carol Sing
8 pm - Christmas Eve Service, Rite I
20775 Kingsland Blvd.
10 am - Christmas Morning Combined Worship
3 pm - Family Worship, Sanctuary
4 pm - The Element Worship with Communion, Loft Hall
5 pm - Carols and Candlelight with Chancel Choir and Orchestra. Sanctuary
5:30 pm - The Element Worship with Communion, Loft Hall
7 pm - Carols and Candlelight with Chancel Choir and Orchestra. Sanctuary
9 pm - Carols, Candlelight and Communion and Youth Choir, Sanctuary
11 pm - Carols, Candlelight and Communion with Combined Choirs, Sanctuary
23440 Cinco Ranch Blvd.
5 pm - Campus Worship
22765 Westheimer Pkwy.
5:30 pm & 7 pm - Candlelight Service
1407 W. Grand Pkwy S.
6:30 pm