With families still displaced and lives still ravaged by the recent disaster of Hurricane Harvey, it can be hard to find the joy in the holiday season. Katy Magazine offers 10 tips on how to get back to basics and enjoy the holidays in Katy this year.

KATY MAGAZINE | December 2017
By Lorrie Crow Kimble & Ashley Lancaster
Little Cindy Lou Who had it right about the meaning of Christmas. This year’s holiday season may not be the commercial craziness that the Katy community is used to. Still recovering from the ravages of Hurricane Harvey, the people of Katy may be suffering from even more stress than the usual anxiety that goes hand-in-hand with the holidays. Perhaps with some helpful tips, you can avoid some of the season’s madness by focusing on your loved ones:
1. Get back to nature. Go on a nature walk or pick out a Christmas tree together. A short drive away is Dewberry Farm in Brookshire, where you can see Christmas lights galore and even pick out your own tree. There's nothing like walking around outside and taking in the sights and smells to calm a stressed out mind.
DEWBERRY FARM - Christmas Adventure as Big as Texas! With 30+ attractions open for the Christmas holiday season — plus a fabulous new Trail of Lights and Christmas Village! Continue your family tradition to choose-n-cut a farm fresh Christmas tree! Enjoy a variety of eatin’ spots (with good grub), live entertainment, and more. Y’all come! SEE OUR WEBSITE
2. Establish a giving tradition. Have a family meeting and choose a new family tradition that exemplifies the spirit of giving. Make Christmas cookies for your neighbors, donate clothes to a charity, or go pick out new toys and drop off at one of the many Toys for Tots locations in Katy. 3. Do nothing. Make no plans at all and just let the day float by. Watch a movie, take a nap, do a quiet puzzle and maybe just stay in your pajamas all day one day. It's called a mental health day and we all need one from time to time. Make sure you're getting enough sleep this season or it's going to be more difficult.
4. Help someone else. Use your musical or artistic gifts to bless someone else. Do you play instruments, sing, or are you great at art? Think of people who might need a cheery visit; Maybe senior citizens who would be uplifted kids singing or children at a shelter might enjoy some encouragement or some arts and crafts. The visit will leave your hearts full just in time for Christmas.
5. Create a family mantra. Create a family sign for your home at Board and Brush Creative Studio in Katy. You can decide as a family what meaningful sentiment or mantra will be displayed in your home for years to come.
6. Keep your balance. Be careful not to overeat, overdrink, overspend, or overreact, this season. All of these things or just one of them may leave you feeling depleted or depressed.
7. Off limits topics. If your extended family has certain topics that make get togethers contentious (politics, for example) agree not to bring up those topics. Make it a point to keep the conversation light and happy. Set a code word that anyone can say if the no-no topic gets brought up.
8. Set gift limits. No you DON'T have to buy 20 presents for each child. It's okay to cut back on the usual overspending and trade those gifts in for quality time talking, visiting family, playing games, or singing together. Your kids want your time more than anything else.
9. Drive around to look at Christmas lights. Put the kids in their pajamas and robes and head out to look at the lights. Be sure to turn on the radio to listen to Christmas carols while admiring the decorated houses. When they get home, they're ready for beddy bye.
10. Sing a song. Bringing Christmas right to your neighbor's front door will lift your spirits and give your family a memory for a lifetime. Put on matching sweaters, pick two or three popular songs, and travel the subdivision singing sweet songs of the season. You can also gather around the firepit or fireplace and sing some classics if you're not ready for a public appearance.
And most importantly, have yourself a Merry Little Christmas
“Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store;
Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
-From The Grinch Who Stole Christmas