By Angie Waller and Jennifer Miko
Katy Magazine visited with several Katy residents who have reached their 100-year birthday milestone. These fascinating women have seen the world change around them, and have many reasons to be grateful.

After 100 years, what do you think you will be thankful for? If you had one wish after witnessing a century of change, what would it be?
Florence Charlotte Kreuser Carlson, 101
Born October 5, 1918 in Grayslake, IL
Lived in Katy: 14 1/2 years

Miss Florence says she was born into a caring supportive family and blessed with great friendships throughout her life.

What are you most thankful for?
“Love of family.” I think of my life in the “slow lane” as easier without computers and all the technology. I must admit cell phones are awesome…can’t go anywhere without it.
If you could make one wish, what would it be?
I would wish for peace on Earth amongst all people and nations.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish and favorite pie?
My favorite Thanksgiving side dish is corn pudding (see her recipe below) and my favorite pie is Butterscotch pie.
(Pictured, Miss Florence as a young girl, on the left, with her older sister Marie.)
Lorene Jones, 100
Born September 2, 1919 in Granbury, TX
Lived in Katy: 13 years

Miss Lorene was the oldest daughter out of six children. She sighs when she recalls cooking in the kitchen with her mother when she was a young girl in Granbury, Texas, about 35 miles southwest of Fort Worth. She said she didn't have a specialty, she just did what her mother told her to do.
She enjoys listening to traditional church hymns and the voices of the choir singing.
What are you most thankful for?
I am thankful for being alive this long.
If you could make one wish, what would it be?
I can't think of anything I would wish for, I am content with what I have.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish and favorite pie?
My favorite side dish is sweet potatoes and favorite pie is pumpkin pie. Growing up I would help my mom cook Thanksgiving dinner.
Iola Powell, 100
Born October 4, 1919 in Arkansas
Lived in Katy: 15 years

Miss Iola loves living at the Carriage Inn, and her smile widens when she talks about the wonderful people there, and the activities they offer.
She recently celebrated her 100th birthday at Snappy's in Old Katy and got a surprise visit from Bill Hastings, the Mayor of Katy. Everyone in the restaurant sang "Happy Birthday" to her, and many diners stopped by to wish her a wonderful day.
Miss Iola says she also enjoys spending time with her wonderful grand children and great grandchildren, shopping at the $.99 Cent Store and visiting her grand dog.
For Thanksgiving, Miss Iola recalls the tradition of displaying a big, homemade stuffed turkey that's been passed through the family for years.

What are you most thankful for?
I am thankful to still be alive and for my grandkids.
If you could make one wish, what would it be?
I would wish for the turkey leg and to be able to stay here at Carriage Inn 'til I go to Heaven.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish and favorite pie?
I love sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner.
Rosalee Hankey, 100
Born June 16, 1919 in Kenefic, OK
Lived in Katy: 14 years

Miss Rosalee appreciates the music of a time gone bye, but not forgotten. Her eyes lit up when she recalled favorites from the big bands to Willie Nelson. She remembers listening to the radio in her home when she was a young girl.
"We had to save up for the battery because we didn't have electricity," Miss Rosalee recalls. "We would listen to the music on the Lucky Strike show on Saturday night."
Miss Rosalee, a retired educator, makes her own music, and finds joy playing the piano for Alzheimer's patients, and watching them reconnect with the old songs.
What are you most thankful for?
I am thankful for my family, my daughter and son in law and Grandson.
If you could make one wish, what would it be?
I would wish for more civility in everyone.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish and favorite pie?
My favorite Thanksgiving side dish is cranberry sauce and my favorite pie is apple pie.

When you gather with friends and family for the Thanksgiving this year, be grateful for your time together. Share stories and create memories. The games and the pies can wait.